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1. J. H. Kao, C. Y. Yang, J. W. Lee, J. T. Chen, 2024, Analytical study for numerical instability of steady-state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using degenerate kernels in the null-field boundary integral equation method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Revised.

2. J.W. Lee, H.W. Yang, J.T. Chen, 2024,Boundary integral quadrature method for calculating the conduction shape factor of exchanger tubes containing slits Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Revised.

3. J. H. Kao, J. W. Lee, C. Y. Yang, J. T. Chen, 2023, Numerical instability and its treatment for steady state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using the dual boundary element method, Numerical Heat Transfer B, DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2023.2279091

4. J. W. Lee, H. W. Yang and J. T. Chen, 2023, Steady state heat conduction in exchanger tubes by using the meshfree boundary integral equation method: conduction shape factor and degenerate scale, ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 145 / 111901-1.