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Jeng-Tzong Chen and Chine-Feng Wu and I-Lin Chen, Jia-Wei Lee, 2012, On near-trapped modes and fictitious frequencies for water wave problems containing an array of circular cylinders using a null-field boundary integral equation, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, Vol. 32, pp. 32-44(filename:EJMB2012-Chen.pdf)(檔案請洽作者) 
J.T. Chen, Y.J.Lin, Y.T.Lee and C.F.Wu, 2011, Water wave interaction with surface-piercing porous cylinders using the null-field integral equations, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 38, pp. 409-418 (filename:OE2011-final.pdf)(檔案請洽作者) 
Jeng-Tzong Chen, Chien-Feng Wu, Jia-Wei Lee and Yu-Chih Hsiao, 2011, Analysis of Water Wave Problems Containing Single and Multiple Cylinders by Using Degenerate Kernel Method, The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Vol. 21, No. 1,  pp. 13–21 (filename:isope2011-final.pdf)(檔案請洽作者)

Jeng-Tzong Chen andYing-Te Lee, Yi-Jhou Lin, 2009, Interaction of water waves with vertical cylinders using null-field integral equations, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 31, pp. 101-110(filename:AOR2009-final.pdf)(檔案請洽作者)