

1. J. H. Kao, J. W. Lee, C. Y. Yang, J. T. Chen, 2023, Numerical instability and its treatment for steady state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using the dual boundary element method, Numerical Heat Transfer B, DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2023.2279091.

2. C.S. Nishad, S. Neelamani, J.T. Chen, and K.G. Vijay, 2023, Gravity Wave Interaction with Cage Enveloped Breakwaters using DBEM, Z Angew Math Mech (ZAMM), e202200064, https://doi.org/10.1002/zamm.202200064

3. J.T. Chen, J.H. Kao, S.K. Kao, T.A. Wu, 2023, Are the direct and indirect BEM/BIEMs equivalent ? Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.157, pp.441-461.

4. W.M. Lee and J. T. Chen, 2023, Dynamic Green’s functions for an infinite acoustic field with multiple spheres subjected to the Robin boundary conditions, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Vol. 31, No. 2 (2023) 2250012 (24 pages).

5. J. W. Lee, H. W. Yang and J. T. Chen, 2023, Steady state heat conduction in exchanger tubes by using the meshfree boundary integral equation method: conduction shape factor and degenerate scale, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 145 / 111901-1.(MSV獎狀)

6.J. T. Chen, C. Y. Yang, Y. T. Chou, C. N. Tsang, 2023, Animation of cycloid and spiral curves in companion with instantaneous center of rotation and radius of curvature, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.46, No.7, pp.693-702. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2023.2238768.(MSV獎狀)

7. J. T. Chen, Y. T. Lee, W. C. Tai and M. N. Tsao, 2023, Analytical solutions for the Laplace pm of an eccentric domain problem, Mech. Res. Comm., 127 104012.(MSV獎狀)

8. J. T. Chen, S. K. Kao, W. C. Tai, Ying-Te Lee, Jia-Wei Lee, Yen-Ting Chou, 2023, Study on the interaction between a screw dislocation and circular holes or rigid inclusions by using the angular basis function in conjunction with bipolar coordinates, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Vol.28, No.2, pp.611-632.(SCI獎狀)

9. J. T. Chen, S. K. Kao, Y. T. Chou, W. T. Tai, 2023, On the solution arising in two-cylinders electrostatics, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol.20, No.6, 10007-10026. (MSV獎狀)
doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023439.

10. J T Chen, W C Tai, Y T Lee and SK Kao, 2023, An analytical Green’s function for Laplace operator in an infinite plane with two circular holes using degenerate kernels, Applied Mathematical Letter, Vol.146, 108774.