Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

*Dual boundary element analysis for fatigue behavior of missile structures(2000)
*A nonsingular integral formulation for the helmholtz eigenproblems of a circular domain, Vol.22, No.6, pp.729-739.(1999)
*Mathematical analysis and treatment for the true and spurious eigenequations of circular plates in the meshless method using radial basis function(2004)
*Using the method of fundamental solutions in conjunction with the degenerate kernel in cylindrical acoustic problems (2006, 陳義麟)(2006)
*A study on the degenerate scale by using the fundamental solution with dimensionless argument for 2D elasticity problems, Vol.43, No.4, pp.373-385.(2020)
 *J. T. Chen, C. Y. Yang, Y. T. Chou, C. N. Tsang, 2023, Animation of cycloid and spiral curves in companion with instantaneous center of rotation and radius of curvature, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.46, No.7, pp.693-702. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2023.2238768.(MSV獎狀)