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J. T. Chen and H.-K. Hong, 1988, Applications of Integral Equations with Superstrong Singularity to Steady State Heat Conduction, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.35, pp.133-138.(SCI and EI)
J. T. Chen and H.-K. Hong, 1993, On the Dual Integral Representation of Boundary Value Problem in Laplace Equation, Boundary Element Abstracts, Vol.3, pp.114-116.
J. T. Chen, H.-K. Hong and S. W. Chyuan, 1994, Boundary Element Analysis and Design in Seepage Problems Using Dual Integral Formulation, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1-20.(EI)
J. T. Chen and H.-K. Hong, 1994, Dual Boundary Integral Equations at a Corner Using Contour Approach around Singularity, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.21, No.3, pp.169-178.(SCI and EI)

J. T. Chen, K. H. Chen, W. Yeih and N. C. Shieh, 1998, Dual Boundary Element Analysis for Cracked Bars under Torsion, Engineering Computations, Vol.15, No.6, pp.732-749. (SCI and EI)

J. T. Chen and H.-K. Hong, 1999, Review of dual boundary element methods with emphasis on hypersingular integrals and divergent series, Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASME, Vol.52, No.1, pp.17-33. (EI)
M. T. Liang, J. T. Chen and S. S. Yang, 1999, Error Estimation for Boundary Element Method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.23, No.3, pp.257-265. (SCI and EI)
J. T. Chen and H.-K. Hong, 1999, Review of dual boundary element methods with emphasis on hypersingular integrals and divergent series, Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASME, Vol.52, No.1, pp.17-33. (EI)
M. T. Liang, J. T. Chen and S. S. Yang, 1999, Error Estimation for Boundary Element Method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.23, No.3, pp.257-265. (SCI and EI)
J. T. Chen, S. R. Kuo, W. C. Chen and L. W. Liu, 2000, On the free terms of the dual BEM for the two and three-dimensional dimensional Laplace problems, J. Marine Science and Technology, Vol.8, No.1, pp.8-15. (EI)
J. T. Chen and Y. W. Chen, 2000, Dual boundary element analysis using complex variables for potential problems with or without a degenerate boundary, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.24, No.9, pp.671-684. (SCI and EI)
J. T. Chen, J. H. Lin, S. R. Kuo and Y. P. Chiu, 2001, Analytical study and numerical experiments for degenerate scale problems in boundary element method using degenerate kernels and circulants, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.25, No.9, pp.819-828. (SCI and EI)

J. T. Chen and Y. P. Chiu, 2002, On the pseudo-differential operators in the dual boundary integral equations using degenerate kernels and circulants, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.26, No.1, pp.41-53. (SCI and EI) 中文介紹

J. T. Chen, W. C. Chen, S. R. Lin and I. L. Chen, 2003, Rigid body mode and spurious mode in the dual boundary element   formulation for the Laplace equation, Computers and Structures,Vol.81, No.13, pp.1395-1404. (SCI and EI).
S. W. Chyuan, Y. S. Liao and J. T. Chen, 2003, An innovative and efficient method - DBEM for the electrostatic problems with singularity arising from degenerate boundary, IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol.5, No.3, pp.52-58. (SCI and EI)

Y. S. Liao, S. W. Chyuan and J. T. Chen, 2004, Numerical studies of variations in gap & finger with width ratio and traveled distance for the MEMS device, J. Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C, Vol.218, No.10, pp.1243-1253.

Y. S. Liao, S. W. Chyuan and J. T. Chen, 2004, Efficaciously modeling the exterior electrostatic problems with singularity for electron devices, IEEE Circuits & Devices, Vol.20, No.5, pp.25-34.

Y. S. Liao, S. W. Chyuan and J. T. Chen, 2004, Computational study of variations in gap size for the electrostatic levitating force of MEMS combdrive, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.35, pp.739-748.

Y. S. Liao, S. W. Chyuan and J. T. Chen, 2004, An efficient technique for solving the arbitrarily multilayered electrostatic problems with singularity arising from degenerate boundary, Semiconductor Science Technology, Vol.19, R47-58, 2004.

Y. S. Liao, S. W. Chyuan and J. T. Chen, 2004, An alternatively efficient method for simulating the electrostatic field and levitating force of MEMS combdrive, J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.14, No.8, pp.1258-1269.

J. T. Chen., S. R. Lin and K. H. Chen, 2005, Degenerate scale problem when solving Laplace's equation by BEM and its treatment, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., Vol.62, pp.233-261. (SCI and EI)

J. T. Chen*, W. C. Shen and A. C. Wu, 2006, Null-field Integral Equations for Stress Field around Circular Holes under Antiplane Shear, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.30, pp.205-217.

J. T. Chen*, W. C. Shen and P. Y. Chen, 2006, Analysis of Circular Torsion Bar with Circular Hole Using Null-field Approach, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science, Vol.12, No.2, pp.109-119.

J. T. Chen* and A. C. Wu, 2006, Null-field approach for piezoelectricity problems with arbitrary circular inclusions, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.30,  pp.971-993.

J. T. Chen* and W. C. Shen, 2007, Degenerate scale for multiply connected Laplace problems, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol.34, pp.69-77.
J. T. Chen* and A. C. Shen, 2007, Null-field approach for multi-inclusion problem under antiplane shear, ASME  Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.74, pp.469-487.

J. T. Chen*, J. N. Ke and H. Z. Liao, 2009, Construction of Green’s function using null field integral approach for Laplace problems with circular boundaries, Computers, Materials and Continua, Vol.9, pp.93-110. (proof). (final)

J. T. Chen* and P. Y. Chen, 2007, Bending of a perforated circular cylindrical cantilever using null-field integral formulation. Journal of Mechanics, Vol.23, No.3, pp.211-221.
J. T. Chen* and J. W. Lee, 2008, On the spurious eigensolutions for the real-part boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.33, pp.342-355. (final)
Y. Zhang, Y. Gu and J.T. Chen, 2009, Analysis of 2D ThinWalled Structures in BEM with High-Order Geometry Elements Using Exact Integration, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol.50, pp.1-20. (final)
J.H. Kao, K.H. Chen, J.T. Chen*, S.R. Kuo, 2020, Isogeometric analysis of the dual boundary element method for the Laplace problem with a degenerate boundary, Journal of Mechanics, Vol.36, pp.35-46.
K.H. Chen, J.H. Kao, J.T. Chen, J.F. Liau, 2020, A new error estimating approach for solving torsion bar problem with inclusion by using BEM, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.115, pp.168-211.
J.T. Chen, J.H. Kao, S.K. Kao, T.A. Wu, 2023, Are the direct and indirect BEM/BIEMs equivalent ? Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.157, pp.441-461.
J.H. Kao, J.W. Lee, C.Y. Yang, J.T. Chen, 2023, Numerical instability and its treatment for steady state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using the dual boundary element method, Numerical Heat Transfer B, DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2023.2279091.
J.H. Kao, C.Y. Yang, J.W. Lee, J.T. Chen, 2024, Analytical study for numerical instability of steady-state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using degenerate kernels in the null-field boundary integral equation method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Accepted.