


1. J. T. Chen and Y. S. Jeng, 1996, Dual Series Representation and Its Applications to a String Subjected to Support Motions, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.27, No.3, pp.227-238. (SCI and EI)

2. J. T. Chen, H.-K. Hong, C. S. Yeh and S. W. Chyuan, 1996, Integral Representations and Regularizations for a Divergent Series Solution of a Beam Subjected to Support Motions, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.25, No.9, pp.909-925. (SCI and EI)

3. J. T. Chen, D. H. Tsaur and H.-K. Hong, 1997, An Alternative Method for Transient and Random Responses Subjected to Support Motions, Engineering Structures, Vol.19, No.2, pp.162-172. (SCI and EI)

4. J. T. Chen, H. C. Kao, Y. T. Lee and J. W. Lee, 2022, Support motion of a finite bar with an external spring, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, Vol.41, No.3, pp.1014-1029.

5. J. T. Chen, H. C. Kao, J. W. Lee and Y. T. Lee, 2022, Support motion of a finite bar with a viscously damped boundary, J. Mechanics, 38: 473-490.

6. J. T. Chen, H. C. Kao, J. W. Lee and Y. T. Lee, 2025, Study of support motion of a finite bar with a boundary damper and a spring using analytical approaches and FEM, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2550035.