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依內容分類:以海大機械系為名發表.doc 海大機械系名義發表.doc(2010) 2010 2011

Adaptive BEM (3)

Angular basis function (ABF) (2)
Anti-plane (7) (word)

Applied Math. (3)

Bipolar coordinates(3) (一路走來) (PPT) (jpg) 

Bump contour approach for dual BIEM (Free terms) (5)

Celebrating papers(2)
Circulant matrix (5)
Clifford algebra valued BEM (1)

Complete multiple reciprocity method (1)

CSF (4) (四部曲) (ppt) (jpg)

Degenerate scale (24)         (Degenerate scale.doc) (書背.doc)

                                                 (PDF total,意者請洽作者)(filename:PDF total_Degenerate scale)

Degenerate kernel (14) (一路走來) (PPT) (jpg)         (Degeneratekernel-msv2021.doc)

Dislocation(2) (一路走來) (PPT) (jpg) 
Double degeneracy(4) ppt  jpg

Dual boundary element method (28)      (Dual BEM.doc)

Dual mutilple reciprocity method (5) (林羿州整理 2007/07/23) (Dual MRM since1997)  

Damping model (1)

Elasticity and Fracture (14)

Earthquake engineering (8) ppt   word  書背

Fictitious frequency (15)      (Fictitious frequencies.doc)  (Fictitious frequencies-2000-2014.doc(new)) (書背)

Finite element applications (2)


Free term (3)
FMM (2)
Green's function(9)

Helmholtz (4)

Hysteretic damping (5)

IEEE(電子電機類) (7)

Image method (6)  (目錄)  (書背)

Imaginary-part BEM (6) (李家瑋整理 2007/07/19)

Inverse problems (3)

Laplace equation (35)



Memorial papers(3)

Meshless method (7)

MRM (5)

Multiple Trefttz method(4)

Near-trapped mode(4) ppt   word  書背

Null field integral equations (24)

Oblique wave (3)

Plate problems (16)

Real-part BEM (11) (李家瑋整理 2007/07/19)

Seepage (5) (李家瑋整理 2007/07/20)

Soil Dynamics(4)(ppt.)

Spurious eigenvalues (28)      (Spurious eigenvalues.doc)

Stokes flow(1)

Stokes transformation and Cesaro sum (4)

Support motion (6) (高浩真整理 2024/05/10) (ppt / jpg)
SVD (6)

Trefftz method(4)

Multipole Collocation Trefftz Method(2) (李為民教授)
Torsion(8) (范 羽 整理2011/02/14)


Water wave using null-field BIEM (5) ppt   word  書背

Mems (4)

MFS (推到邊界) (7)

Education of mathematics & Mechanics    (數學與力學, 10)

科普小文 (1)

邊界層效應 (4)
壓電問題 (3)
雙圓問題 (4) (一路走來) (PPT) (jpg)