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J. T. Chen, J. W. Lee and W. S. Shyu, 2012, SH-wave scattering by a semi-elliptical hill using a null-field boundary integral equation method and a hybrid method, Geophsical Journal international,Vol.188, pp.177-194. (若需檔案請洽原作者,Filename:gji2011-Chen.pdf)
J. T. Chen, J. W. Lee, C. F. Wu and I. L. Chen, 2011, SH-wave diffraction by a semi-circular hill revisited: A null-field boundary  integral equation method using degenerate kernels, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.31, pp.729-736. (若需檔案請洽原作者,Filename:sdee2011-final.pdf)
J. T. Chen, P. Y. Chen, C. T. Chen, 2008, surface motion of multiple alluvial valleys for incident plane SH-waves by using a semi-analytical approach, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.28, pp.58-72. (若需檔案請洽原作者,Filename:sdee2008.pdf)

J. T. Chen, S. W. Chyuan, D. W. You and F. C. Wong, 1997, Normalized Quasi-static Mass-A New Definition for Multi-support Motion Problems, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol.26, pp.129-142. (SCI and EI)

J. T. Chen, D. H. Tsaur and H.-K. Hong, 1997, An Alternative Method for Transient and Random Responses Subjected to Support Motions, Engineering Structures, Vol.19, No.2, pp.162-172. (SCI and EI)

J. T. Chen, H.-K. Hong, C. S. Yeh and S. W. Chyuan, 1996, Integral Representations and Regularizations for a Divergent Series Solution of a Beam Subjected to Support Motions, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.25, No.9, pp.909-925. (若需檔案請洽原作者,Filename:eesd96.pdf)

J. T. Chen and Y. S. Jeng, 1996, Dual Series Representation and Its Applications to a String Subjected to Support Motions, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.27, No.3, pp.227-238.(SCI and EI)



J. T. Chen, H.-K. Hong and C. S. Yeh, 1995, Modal Reaction Method for Modal Participation Factors in Support Motion Problems, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.11, No.6, pp.479-490.(SCI and EI)

L.Y. Chen, J. T. Chen, H.-K. Hong and C. H. Chen, 1995, Application of Cesaro Mean and the L-curve for the Deconvolution Problem, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.14, No.5, pp.361-373. (若需檔案請洽原作者,Filename:sdee.pdf)